Valeriia - international volunteer at Zavod Nefiks

| Priložnosti za mlade

Valeriia (20), marketing student who comes from Ukraine, spent the end of 2022 and beginning of 2023 in Ljubljana, as an international volunteer at Zavod Nefiks.

She was volunteering through the European solidarity corps program, which she decided to do because, she says:
“I was looking for internships or any job openings, positions where I can gain some skills. I’ve already been on Erasmus student exchange and on Erasmus+ youth exchanges. I found out about the European solidarity corps and I decided to apply because the volunteering position which Nefiks had was described as something I would like to try and learn more about.”

Valeriia’s main task was preparing promotional materials - making graphics, taking photos, filming videos, editing and publishing the content on Nefiks’s web pages and social media. Also, she was sharing her international experiences during the workshops in a few Slovenian high schools. 
“It was quite challenging to move to a new country, to go through all the processes connected to that”, but also, she says that during this experience, “I learned a lot about myself because living in the new environment and in new conditions helped me to come at peace with myself and be closer to my true self.”

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She would recommend volunteering experience to young people because, she states:
“I think this is a really good opportunity to gain some skills, knowledge, and meet new people. You have to be more self-sufficient than when you go to Erasmus or youth exchange, because you are having more control over your life. It can be a bit challenging to find friends or to do something special in your free time. But I think this is a good option to get some independence as well.”

In her free time, Valeriia was enjoying bike rides in the sunny weather thanks to the city that “...is made for it and is so peaceful and so cool”.

“I’d say that volunteering in general is a good way to practice your skills and to make connections. It is a good way to try to live abroad”, Valeriia says. “I am thankful for having that experience and for the environment where I was able to learn. It was challenging but it made me stronger! So I recommend you follow what you believe in because it will be rewarding.”

I dare to say that Nefiks team is also really grateful for the opportunity to work with and learn from Valeriia’s experiences. We wish her all the best in her next steps!

Thank you, Valeriia, for everything and keep being you <3

Interview with Valeria was made by Matea Bučkal, European Solidarity Corps volunteer.

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Poslanstvo zavoda je mladim in mladinskim organizacijam zagotavljati ustrezno strokovno podporo pri beleženju in evidentiranju neformalnega izobraževanja in učinkov mladinskega dela z namenom njegovega priznanja v širši družbi. Nadalje je namen zavoda mladim pomagati pri kariernem razvoju, zaposlovanju in aktivnem državljanstvu ter zagotavljati pomoč in podporo pri organizacijskem in drugem razvoju mladinskih in nevladnih organizacij.

   Zavod Nefiks
            Ob dolenjski železnici 12
            1000 Ljubljana


    +386 40 698 915


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Telefon: PON-PET → 9:00-16:00